Monday 28 July 2008


Heroes. They may be people with extraordinary powers who uses their extraordinay powers to save the world or uphold justice. But to me, heroes do not have to possess extraordinay powers. Rather,

Saturday 21 June 2008

holiday homework 4

People know me as a student. I know myself as a true blue masochist. I had long knew that the study path was long and arduous, yet I tried to push myself to the limits, to furfill my parents' education expectations. Late nights and long hours of studying is a toll, yet so many people are willing to cary on that burden of studying. All thisjsut to receive a piece of paper called a certificate. What a sad world wwe are living in where a piece of paper control our life

holiday homework 3

Stress. It is often known as a double-edged sword, and not without reason too. People all receives stress. Some strive under the pressure to emerge triumphant, however, some simple succumb under the immense stress. Stress is indeed a scary word, but it may not appear to be as scary to others. It is all simply how we look at it.

holiday homework 2

Stress in this modern society seems omnipresent. Simply grab anyone from the streets and you will understand the above statement. When you are a teenager, you receive stress from your parents. When you are working, you receive stress from your bosses. Stress. It certainly accompanies you for life, doesn't it?

holiday homework 1

Holiday homework is such a bore! With the truckload of homework piling up my desk, I realised I had never knew the actual definition of holiday. To the english teachers, it is one month's break from work. To us students, it is just one month of prolonged sorrow. Oh well, back to do my homework I guess.

week 28

John was disgruntled by what his son had just done. He then found a panacea to eradicate his son's bad deeds, whereas his son remained sedate and equanimty.

week 27

John was feeling ardent as he was reaching the pinnacle of Mt Everest. Despite of the obscure view he had, he did not falter. He continue to proceed with exultation.